Friday, February 5, 2010

No Book Review...

Because at the moment, eejit that I am, I am reading two books…the first is the dip in sort of book which you don’t need to read continuously to enjoy. The second I was reading on the train into and out of work, but at the moment I am driving! The police, especially old Shiny Buttons, wouldn’t be too chuffed if I read it in the Blackwall Tunnel queue.

The first is Bill Simmons Book of Basketball, which takes us through ESPN’s Sports Guy’s recollections, opinions and judgements on the NBA. So far in the first 100 or so pages he seems over-obsessed over the lack of black guys playing the game in the early years, a lot of references to the adult entertainment industry, and in a bizarre list he excludes Drazen Petrovic from a list of white guys as he is European, and that doesn’t really count, but includes German Dirk Nowitzki! A whole chapter on why repeated champion Bill Russell was a better player than stat-driven Wilt Chamberlain seemed overly long when who could really dispute it has been the highlight. I hope it improves.

The second book is John Feinstein’s “Next Man Up” about the 2004/5 Baltimore Ravens. Thus far it has been excellent, and they have only just got to pre-season camp. The book received mixed reviews and I can understand why. Feinstein’s writing is not for all. He is a little too nicey-nicey at times, and his defence of Ray Lewis could be seen as overly influenced by speaking to him, naive, or a bit of both. Certainly Lewis is never seen as guilty of anything, let alone a double murder, but he did deceive officers and the reason why (panic) doesn’t seem good enough. But that’s for the final review. I have a long way to go, but I am back on the trains next week…..


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