Monday, January 4, 2010

Bookworm Sunday: Such a Pretty Fat

I have to admit, I am a sucker for snarky, humorous memoirs. It’s slowly becoming an addiction. It started off when a friend of mine, J, loaned me “Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress” by Susan Jane Gillman. I could not suck that down any faster.

I managed to throw myself back into horror and thriller fiction, my true love, and then I came across “Such a Pretty Fat” by Jen Lancaster. I’m not even sure HOW I learned this book existed, but I pined for this for awhile. Eventually, I was lucky enough to come across it in a thrift store, and snatched this baby up. And let me tell you, not a single regret!

I have to say, it is a rare occurrence for me to literally laugh out loud while reading, but more then once I found my sides cramping up, my chest heaving, and the blood rushing to my head to hold in my laughter so I don’t wake those sleeping while I read this book. Trust me when I say, I am NOT a giggler, but this book had me giggling like I was a 12-year-old girl at a slumber party.

Far beyond dieting and a journey to self-betterment, Lancaster takes you on a trip and shows you that life is more than trying to fit into a size 2. A Weight Watchers ad from 2008 boasts “Live or Diet”, and this book fully embodies this theory.

This is a must read for anyone who has ever looked in the mirror and thought “I’m fat… when did this happen?” or really anyone who has ever tried to diet. Jennifer Lancaster puts into words what EVERY dieter has thought, and then some.

Don’t expect this book to preach and teach you how to lose weight. Oh no, that’s just not Lancaster’s style. Instead, expect to hear every grumbling complaint you’ve ever uttered, pining for that Haagen Das or that Triple Chocolate Chunk brownie while chewing on a tasteless rice cake.

From Weight Watcher members grumbling about birthday cake, to her hatred of Barbie the personal trainer, to the guy on the bus that calls her a “fat bitch”, Jen Lancaster is the typical bitter dieter, and this book will have you yelling “YES!” and “EXACTLY!” in every single chapter.

Do yourself a big favor, and read this book. Dieters and non-fat people alike will love this humor filled memoir. Jen Lancaster is an amazing author, and I’m personally looking forward to reading her other works. As soon as I stop giggling.

Alright, I’ll shut up now.


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