Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday Children’s Book Reviews for January 25

Waddle! A Scanimation Picture Book by Rufus Butler Seder

“It’s Waddle! And it’s in color. And boy, is it irresistible. In the same way that kids can’t read Gallop! without wanting to gallop around the room, Waddle!, an animals-in-motion Scanimation book, will inspire prancing, hopping, stomping, and scampering. And did we mention color? Created by the optical genius behind the phenomenal #1 and #2 New York Times bestselling children’s books, Gallop! and Swing!, Waddle! adds touches of color to the images and integrates it into the text. That prancing pig is pink, the leaping dolphin is blue, the slithering snake yellow.”         [JPB SEDER]

Newsgirl by Liza Katchum

“Never has 12-year-old Amelia Forrester found it so inconvenient to be a girl. Her mother and family friend, Estelle, can come all the way from Boston to San Francisco as businesswomen, but Amelia can’t even sell a months’-old Boston newspaper without being assaulted and taunted by boys. While the two women—dressmakers by trade—adjust their business plan to make clothing for men, Amelia makes an entrepreneurial decision of her own. She chops off her long hair, dons a borrowed cap and trousers, and takes to the streets of 1851 San Francisco to hawk newspapers. Her nose for news soon leads her and her new friend, Patrick, to a much-hyped balloon launch. As fate would have it, they are invited to stand in the balloon’s basket, but the men on the ground lose their grip on the tethers and the children find themselves soaring over the mountains.”                                    [J KETCHUM]

Mysterious Messages: A History of Codes and Ciphers by Gary Blackwood

“History’s amazing secrets and codes-and how to crack them yourself.

This fascinating look at history’s most mysterious messages is packed with puzzles to decode and ciphers that kids can use themselves. Here are the encrypted notes of Spartan warriors, the brilliant code-crackers of Elizabeth I, secret messages of the American Revolution, spy books of the Civil War, the famous Enigma Machine, and the Navajo code talkers. As computers change the way we communicate, codes today are more intriguing than ever.

From invisible ink to the CIA, this exciting trip through history is a hands-on, interactive experience – so get cracking!”                              [J652.8 BLACKWOOD]


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